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Real McCoy free-range, self collection egg operation.

The only way to no you are getting the very best,fresh,free-range egg .

This package comes fully equipped with everything needed to operate a successful real McCoy free-ranging egg operation. No permits are required,no concents,or RMP needed. If you have a small patch of land located near a busy road side, and want to make some extra income ,well this is for you,simply by adding into a fence line or down a driveway, this makes easy access for people to pull over and collect there own real McCoy free-range eggs,well seeing for them selfs where and what environment there eggs come from.This truly is the only way you no you are getting the very best quality and farm fresh eggs.This package deal is subject to availability and approval by Pure Pasture nz Ltd.Standards must be met and compiled with to ashore quality is keeped.We supplie ongoing support 24/7,Replacement of hens when needed and the very best Pasture raised layers feed,that is optimized to get the best results from your hens.This package also includes everything needed to operate a successful real McCoy pasture free-ranging system we offer full ongoing support,set up, 99 egg layer hens, at 18 weeks old p.o.l
For more info please submite contact link. 

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